Hello, I am Julia Lancaster, Ph.D, LPC, ACS, BC-TMH, and I have several roles within the counseling profession. I am a licensed professional counselor in Virginia and board approved clinical supervisor for residents in Virginia. I also serve as an associate professor and clinical coordinator for a clinical mental health counseling program at South University.
Other credentials include being an Approved Clinical Supervisor and Board-Certified Telemental care provider through the Center for Credentialing and Education. I have been supervising students since 2020 and received post master’s supervision training and education. All this to say I find my job incredibly important and fulfilling. I have spent years formalizing my education to bring quality services to clients and supervisees.
In addition to the clinical mental health training, I am a 500-hour trained yoga instructor. I believe in the restorative nature of wellness and making simple, achievable bottom up changes to improve mental health and outlook. When I am not teaching, with a client, or supervising, I am subbing at the local yoga studio integrating mudras and talking with fellow members.