Counseling Approach

I start with curiosity. Who are you; what is your life like; what matters to you; and what have you already tried while working towards your therapeutic goals? I tend to practice primarily from a cognitive behavioral perspective. This is an intuitive evidence-based approach that examines, in part, thoughts and how those thoughts influence behaviors and emotions. I have also received additional training in Internal Family Systems (IFS). A fascinating and effective way of looking at our thoughts, feelings, and actions as an internal family often having competing agendas and experiences. Other areas of focus are external influences that also shape and inform our circumstance and inner workings to include how we make sense of our realities and how we feel about ourselves. Life and living can be a lot.

I would love to work with you. I will bring all my years of training and experience. You can bring your years of experience and training, and we can work together towards healing what is ready to be healed.

Supervision and Models

Supervision is also a parallel process and I start our time together trying to understand your professional outlook and clinical areas you want to focus and improve. Where can we direct attention to help you optimize supervision and start making improvements for you and your clients. Specific supervision models include developmental and humanistic-existential. Most new supervisees move through a continuum with novice on one end and expert on the other. While few of us would claim expert status, you will notice a shift in your efficacy. With increased confidence comes more autonomy. Together we will look for growth and areas you might feel stuck, while assessing micro skills and processing your clinical sessions to ensure ethical and self care.